
Our objective is to mitigate the harmful effects of climate change by applying agroecological principles and using alternative energy sources.

  • Training
    Our agronomists teach farmers how to implement agroecological methods.
  • Investments in Alternative Energy
    The electrical grid in Benin is unstable, which can lead to life-threatening situations, especially in hospitals and medical centres. Therefore, as a Foundation, we invest in alternative energy sources such as solar panels. Solar energy is more reliable and much less harmful to the environment due to lower CO2 emissions.
  • Thanks to the training provided by our agronomists, more than 1,000 farmers are already applying agroecological principles.
  • In collaboration with Engie, we have equipped the Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital in Boko with a solar installation. Recently, solar panels were also installed at the Ariziki incubation centre.