To mark World Diabetes Day, the Hubi & Vinciane Foundation conducted a screening operation in collaboration with the Parakou and N’Dali health teams and Louvain Coopération. Two hundred fourteen people took part in this free screening operation for diabetes and hypertension on November 14 and 15.
A risk of hypertension was identified in 97 cases, and a risk of diabetes in 47. All high-risk patients were referred to a specialist for further consultation and, if necessary, appropriate treatment and follow-up at one of the health centres.
Our nutritionists, Eric Dossou-Gbete and Rahmat Sokouinto, were also at the medical check-ups. They gave information sessions on how a good diet can contribute to better health and help prevent diabetes and hypertension.
Prevention in healthcare remains one of our Foundation’s top priorities. Emphasis lies on a healthy lifestyle, not only through a healthy, balanced diet but also through sufficient physical activity.
To promote the latter, our Foundation organized a health walk in the streets of Parakou on November 1. Our Beninese team mobilized sports clubs, companies, hospitals and other supporters and got some two hundred people enthusiastic about the walk. Participants in our immersion trip who were in Parakou at the time also took part in the event.