The facilitators of the Hubi and Vinciane Foundation are trained in vegetable growing techniques. The training took place on 16 and 17 March 2021 at the Innov’Action Centre in Parakou and in Sokounon.
Moussa Ousmane Yaya and Samadou Sidi, respectively technicians in agro-ecology and agricultural entrepreneurship from the Foundation’s local office, led the work.
The objective of this training is to strengthen the capacities of the facilitators on the installation and management of home gardens. This is to encourage the population to consume fruit and vegetables regularly. According to Samadou Sidi, “after this training, the facilitators will have the task of training producers to promote market gardening in their respective localities. They will also have the task of helping certain schools to install and monitor their school gardens.
The aim is to contribute to the food security and financial autonomy of the people of Borgou, in particular the communes of Tchaourou, Parakou and N’Dali. The training lasted two days and was divided into theoretical and practical phases.
Concepts covered during the theoretical phase
During the theoretical phase, the trainers first explained the concept of market gardening and vegetable growing to the participants. Then they presented the different types of beds and the appropriate seeds as well as the good techniques to be practised to have good yields according to the fertility of the soil.
In his speech, Moussa Ousmane Yaya, a technician in agro-ecology, spoke about the key elements to be taken into account in market gardening (land and water).
The practical phase in Sokounon
The facilitators followed the practical phase of the previous day’s training in Sokounon to get a feel for the realities on the ground. On site, they were briefed on the identification of the site and the conditions for the good growth of the garden crops, including water and organic fertiliser. They were then trained on how to make the bed, the different types of nurseries, and how to update the bed for transplanting lettuce.
According to the facilitators, these two days of training were beneficial. They are committed to putting into practice the knowledge they received in order to fight against malnutrition in their respective localities. On our website you will find a video report about the training. Be sure to take a look.