Our team in Benin

The Foundation’s Beninese team is made up of 21 employees with varied backgrounds and skills.1

  • Marcienne Houénou, master of economics and hospital management and former manager of the Saint-Jean-de-Dieu hospital in Boko, has been the director of our Foundation in Benin since 2017.
  • Annick Chaffa, is in charge of the local team in Parakou. As a bioengineer, she will also supervise the agricultural program and provide advice.
  • Moussa Ousmane Yaya and Samadou Sidi, with degrees in agriculture, are responsible for the daily implementation of the various agricultural projects, including the wells.
  • Eric Dossou-Gbété, master in nutrition and dietetics, is responsible for the malnutrition program. He is in charge of the team of thirteen animators who live and work in the villages.
  • Rahmat Sokouinto, master of nutrition, joined the team in 2022 and works as a coordinator for the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) project.
  • Diyaï Dini Adebi, financial and administrative manager with a professional master’s degree in finance and accounting, works closely with Marcienne.
  • Florent Bio Yama, communications manager, journalist and video reporter, with a master’s degree in audiovisual journalism.
  • Thirteen social assistants who support the malnutrition project as nutrition ambassadors. Under the guidance of Eric Dosssou-Gbété, they operate in their own village and in nearby villages. They are therefore well embedded in their working environment.
  • Céphas Hounzandji is the manager of the ARIZIKI incubation center, located in the village of Tinré, about 10 km from the city of Parakou

A multidisciplinary team motivated and committed to the mission of the Foundation!

Team Benin

A new communications manager for the Foundation’s local team

At the beginning of November, Florent Bio YAMA joined the local team as the new Communications Manager. We are delighted to introduce him to you.

Interview with Adam Malla Issifou, manager of the incubation center

Chams-dine, our communications officer, visited Adam Malla Issifou, the head of the incubation center in Tinré

Rahmat Sokouinto, dietician and nutritionist

The team of our Fondation is expanding: Rahmat Sokouinto, dietician and nutritionist, joins the local team.

Eric Dossou-Gbete, Nutrition Animator at the Foundation

As a Beniner of 29 years old, married, father of a son, I hold the state diploma of a license in Nutrition and Dietetics.