In the spotlight – 2024

Many sympathizers and volunteers take the initiative themselves to put our Foundation in the spotlight or to organize an event for the benefit of the Foundation. Are you organizing a promotion soon and want to donate (part of) the proceeds, contact pascale@hubi-vinciane. Every contribution, small or large, is greatly appreciated.

On Friday, December 13, Pascale Van Assche, Executive Director of the Hubi & Vinciane Foundation, received a 5,000 euro check from the Soroptimist Club Leuven.

This generous amount was raised during the Art Biennale, held in early October for the third time at the monastery building of the Sint-Albertus College in Haasrode.

Organized in collaboration with the Kiwanis Oud-Heverlee service club, the biennale brought art enthusiasts together and achieved an impressive fundraising total. The proceeds were fully distributed among seven social projects, including the Hubi & Vinciane Foundation.

This successful initiative by the two Leuven clubs provides significant financial support for the Hubi & Vinciane Foundation.

A heartfelt thank you for the commitment of so many!


We as the Hubi & Vinciane Foundation have already received financial support for our projects on sustainable water supply through Pidpa’s HidroPlus initiative several times.

We were there again this year! Pidpa invited us to Hidrodoe in Herentals to pick up the check ‘HidroPlus – support 2023 – water without borders’.

The welcome was again very warm with a great opportunity for networking.

In the spotlight – 2024

Many sympathizers and volunteers take the initiative themselves to put our Foundation in the spotlight.

In the spotlight – 2023

Many volunteers take the initiative themselves to put our Foundation in the spotlight or organize an event for the benefit of the Foundation

In the spotlight – 2022

Many volunteers take the initiative themselves to put our Foundation in the spotlight or organize an event for the benefit of the Foundation

In the spotlight – 2021

Many volunteers take the initiative themselves to put our Foundation in the spotlight or to organize an event for the benefit of the Foundation.

In the spotlight – 2020

Many sympathizers and volunteers take the initiative themselves to put our Foundation in the spotlight or to organize an event for the benefit of the Foundation.

In the spotlight – 2019

Many sympathizers and volunteers take the initiative to put our Foundation in the spotlight or organize an event for the benefit of the Foundation.