
The Hubi & Vinciane Foundation aims to tackle malnutrition in Benin through projects in six areas: Healthcare, Balanced Nutrition, Education & Training, Agriculture, Agroecology, and Entrepreneurship. These six pillars form the Foundation of the organization’s work.


The Foundation contributes to professional, high-quality, and accessible primary healthcare for the residents of its operational area through numerous projects and investments in infrastructure, materials, knowledge, and expertise.


N-Balanced Diet

With an integrated approach of preventive and curative actions, the Foundation combats both acute malnutrition in young children and hypertension and diabetes in adults.

N-Balanced diet


By providing schools with drinking water, sanitary installations, and vegetable gardens, and investing in hygiene training and the importance of balanced meals, the Foundation structurally contributes to a better and healthier quality of life for both students and school staff.



The Foundation contributes to a healthy food supply through various agricultural projects. At the same time, these projects stimulate entrepreneurship and help women involved in the projects to gain financial independence.



By focusing on sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly farming techniques, the Foundation makes farmers more resilient to the effects of climate change.



The Foundation helps young people and women become autonomous and take control of their own lives by investing in entrepreneurial skills through various projects and approaches. Empowering the local population is a high priority for the Foundation.
